Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013


 halohaa Guysss.. Ini malam minggu kan? maksudnya Sabtu malam or SATNIGHT -_- *sama ajh kales..
Hoamp.. satnight kali ini kalian lagi pade ngapain? ada hal yang menarik -_- kalo saya mah Gaadaa U,U cuman tadi Berantem sama adik lakilaki saya -_- yang nakalnya LUAR BIASA bingits dahh-_- (Gak Ada yang Nanya Woyy-_-') Hahah Okee.. :D terserah dah.. Hump.. pasti ada yang udh Ulangan yah atau masih berjalaan gitu *emangAdaKakinya?* eheh maksudnya sementara terlaksana gitu~ pasti udh banyak kan kalo saya mah belom.! Ntar tanggal 09-12-13 yupp.. senin yang akan mendatang U,U etdaahh mana saya ulangannya SEMBILAN HARI hahah -_- udh termasuk pelajaran Kepesantrenan juga sih *MaklumiAjh namanya anak PONPES or PONDOK PESANTREN *SamaAje* 22:47 saya udh disuruh pergi berlayar dipulau kapuk -_-0 Tau kan? hehe yasudah berhubung saya jugaa udh Ngantuk banget. Kalian belom tidur? -_- Hump.. yaudah saya duluan yaw~ Byee. Have A nice Dream..

Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

Titik-Titik Hujan

Aku Bingung sekarang? Kenapa mereka selalu berkata seperti itu padaku padahal aku tidak pernah mencari masalah didepan mereka. Aku Sering dibandingin pula dengan mereka,Iya sekarang aku tau.Mereka itu BISA karena mereka Berfikir mereka Bisa.Bahkan sering aku dilontarkan banyak pertanyaan dari orang-orang tentang Hal yang sama tetapi aku tetap Diam dan tidak menanggapinya sama sekali.Kenapa? orang orang itu belum sadar bahwa dibalik semua itu aku juga ikut berperan.Mereka tidak tau sama sekali tentang aku, Mereka Membenci kehadiranku...
 Tapi Tdk semua dari mereka itu membenciku terkadang separuh dari mereka merasa senang dengan kehadiranku,akan tetapi mereka juga punya rasa bosan padaku, Entah ada apa dengan mereka! disaat itu aku mendapatkan selembar kertas yang isinya diary dari salah satu mereka,isinya sangat menyinggungku.Tapi kenapa disaat mereka membutuhkanku mereka meminta kehadiranku,meminta bantuan padaku,dan bersikap lebih sopan padaku, Ah,aku juga tidak mengerti ada apa dengan mereka.Dan disaat mereka sudah mendapat bantuan dari aku,mereka merasa puas dan senang,tetapi mereka menyuruhku untuk pergi karna aku hanya mengganggu kesenangan mereka,dan pada saat itu aku merasa terusir.yasudah aku pergi secara pelan-pelan~
  Sepertinya aku paham maksud dari semua ini, aku seperti Titik-titik Hujan yang turun disaat Musim kemarau,setelah musim Hujan datang,mereka menyuruhku untuk pergi karena mereka merasa Aktivitas yang mereka jalani terganggu oleh Titik-titik Hujan yang turun. Langit berkata padaku "Mereka,suka kehadiranmu,Entah apa jadinya Tanpamu juga~" aku terdiam menanggapi perkataan langit
Dan seperti itulah nasib yang Aku jalani saat ini. aku hanya sebutir Titik-titik hujan yang turun.

Sabtu, 30 November 2013

One direction story of my Life

Haaaaaaaiiiiiiiiii Guys.. udh pada liat MV nya One Direction Blom? yang itutuh STORY OF MY LIFE kalau belum.. Boleh nonton disini!

lirik lagu Story of my life One direction: 

Verse 1 - Harry
Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain,
I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days.

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones,
It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone.
Pre-chorus - Zayn
And I'll be gone gone tonight
The ground beneath my feet is open wide
The way that I been holdin' on too tight
With nothing in between

Chorus - Harry
The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time…
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
Verse 2 - Niall
Written on these walls are the colours that I can't change
Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning now, I'll see us in the light upon a hill
Although I am broken my heart is untamed stillx

Pre-chorus - Louis
And I'll be gone gone tonight
The fire beneath my feet is burning bright
The way that I been holdin' on so tight
With nothing in between

Chorus - Harry
The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time…
Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope
I spend her love until she's broke inside
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Bridge - Zayn
And I been waiting for this time to come around
But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

Middle 8 - Niall
The story of my life I take her home
I drive all night to keep her warm and time…
Is frozen

Chorus - All
The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope)
I spend her love until she's broke inside (until she's broke inside)
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)
The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life

Welcome December

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb ..
 Haiiii Guyss.. Morninggg..Ayoo semuaaa Wake Up!!! bagi yang Muslim Sholat subuh dulu dong~
sekarang Tanggal SATU kan? Bulan DESEMBER! hehe *iyetautau* Waktu gak kerasa Banget yah guys sekarang kita udh berada di bulan Desember.. Berarti Nggak lama lagi kita melangkah ke tahun 2014 yekan? InsyAllah hump~ December wish :  semoga dibulan ini kita lebih maju lagi yeh dibanding bulan sebelumnya,diberi kesehatan,dimudahkan rejekinya,Gak Banyak Tugas yang Numpuk-_-,Gaak Ada MASALAH, dan Banyaaakk dehh.. Aamiin.. Wohoyy WELCOME DECEMBER!!!
 Udh itu ajh yeh.. Byee.. keep smile..and keep Spirit yeh Guys~
 Bye! Wassalam...

Kamis, 28 November 2013

Best Picture with ElemantarySchool Friends~

Assalamualaikum warohmatullahiwabarokatuhh...
 Night.. Guyz hii.. yang di Oyonnax,Pranciss *eh* hehe haiii kaliaann!!! Haloha bang zayn Malik -_-
*Ngarep* Ohahah kali ini Kite mau bahas topik apa? *Gaktau* Oh yaudah kite bahas ajh tentang "Kasus pembunuhan Nyamuk yang dibunuh manusia" -_- Itu ajh yahh!! *EhJangann* oheehe Just Kidding Kok Guyzz.. kali ini Naynay Mau Upload Foto foto waktu masih SD,Hehe ini ada beberapa Foto waktu masih SD haha msih Polos gitusih -_- hehe Peace. sebenarnya masih bnyk tapi segini ajh dulu yehh :D lain waktu InsyAllah Naynay bakal Ngepost lagi.
INILAH teman teman seperjuanganku selama enam Tahun :D
hehe :D

ini dia NAYLISANTHY waktu masih Polospolos gitu hehe
At Anty's Home :')

ini pas Acara kumpulkumpul bareng teman SD gitudeh~
Ini aku dan agnii x_x :D

ini aku,nani,dan dila hehe :D bnyk gaya bngt yah~

ini pas Kelas Enam SD :'D haha ini aku dan Rhyaa.. :D


Rabu, 27 November 2013

Hump.. Problem.

ya Allah Kenapaa jadi begini sihh? Kaya'nya udh gaadaa lagii yang pedulii ..iyaiyaa..aku mengerti soal yang itu -_- semua mau kan kalau aku berubah? iya ini udh tahapnya kok.. kan gak langsung berubah gitu emang sihir ,appa-_- gakkan? secara pelanpelan ajh dulu U,U udh Mengerti kan? appa? belom? -_- huh yasudah. Lanjut? nggak? -_- UP TO ME dong -_- *EhAkunyatambahGakjelas* mendingg lanjut.. Gini Guys aku lagi bnyk PROBLEM gitu deh gatau Problem? MASALAh okee?? -_- lama-lama otak aku bisa KOSLET garagara diOtak itu yang Bersarang Tugas-Tugas yang belom kelar Gimana enggak? Tugas yang satu belom kelar eh datanglagi tugas yang laen -_- Hadeuh. YahOkee..itu Resiko yh jadi PELAJAR entar juga ada Hasilnya kok kalo kitenya sungguhsungguh Yegak? Yekan? Yedong-_- *Ceramahsingkat-_-* Belom lagi dirumah-_- Akunya kan anak Ponpes.Udh pda tau kan anak ponpes gimana? GAK BEBAS.oke? Kitenya tinggal di PENJARA YANG SUCI,INDAH,Cantik pula,bnyk teman yang baekbaek gitu~*Ngebayangin*-_-.inikan Malam nih kok belum pada tidur? -_- *BukanUrusanLo* hehe yasudah Itu ajh. Gajelaskan? perjelasAjhSendiri Okeewell.. aku Pamit. -_- Bye. Good Night.Have A nice dream.

Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Kalian yang pergi!

Akhir akhir ini aku seperti merasa terjauhi :'( Gak tau Kenapa,mereka membenciku,mungkin mereka malu punya teman seperti aku ini.ataukah selama ini aku bersikap buruk sama kalian? sehingga kalian mengucilkan aku,kalian gak suka kalau aku ada disisi kalian,aku kayak gakcocok ajh. Atau karna aku penyakitan? atau karna aku lebay? pasti kalian memiliki masing masing penilaian seperti itu? aku tau aku nggak secantik kalian,aku tau aku gak sepintar kalian.. Satu hal yang aku ingat iya,pada saat kalian sedih,kalian selalu mendatangiku dan megeluarkan curatan hati kalian,Asalkan kalian tau aku selalu mendengar curahatan hati kalian itu dengan baik dan terkadang aku memberi saran kepada kalian. Tapi kenapa disaat kalian sudah merasa Bahagia kalian itu seperti Kacang yang lupa kulitnya,Gak ada terimahkasihnya sama sekali,kalian mengabaikan aku.Disaat aku sakit separuh dari kalian itu gak ada yang percaya sama aku.kalian CUEK :'( kalian EGOIS,Gak ada mengertinya sama sekali sama aku.. kemana kalian yang dulu? yang selalu mengerti aku? yang selalu saling percaya? kalian kemana? Bukan aku kan yang pergi? Kalian yang pergi! Aku harap kalian Kembali lagi seperti yang dulu,aku rindu kalian yang dulu!

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

"Persahabatan yang berakhiran dengan titik air mata"

      suatu ketika dimana mentari pagi itu menyinari bumi,Dua sahabat Shyta Dan Nayyah berjalan menuju sekolah,ditengah perjalanan Shyta bertanya kepada Nayyah..
"Nay,kamu nggak malu yah jalan sama aku?" (tanya shyta)
"Hah,malu? malu kenapa?" (balas Nayyah)
"kamu kan bisa berangkat pake mobil mewah kamu itu dibanding jalan kaki dengan aku"
"haha,semua itu Gak ada apa apanya dibanding aku punya sabahabat seperti kamu" (sambil memegang pundak shyta)
 Tiba tiba terlihat dari kejauhan Tiga orang yang gayanya sangat Centil atau biasa dipanggil dengan sebutan "Gang Centil" yg terdiri dari Ery,Dina,dan Nhy-Nhy, dan tiba tiba sjh Ery mendorong shyta tanpa sebab.
"Eh,Anak kampung" (sambil mendorong shyta)
"Ehh..apaapaan sih kaliaan" (Balas Nayyah)
"Lo tuh yang apa apaan (sambilNunjuk keNayyah) pake bela belain anak kampung ini lagi(sambilNunjuk ke shyta)"(Balas Dina)
"teman teman kita gaboleh gitu dong,kan kasihan shyta" (Usul Nhy-nhy)
"Apaa?? kasihan NO WAY...." (Balas Ery dengan penuh gayaa)
"ish.. dasaarr kaliann gapunya perasaan bngt sih,pergi sana!" (ucap Nayyah dengan Nada sedikit emosi)
"Iya,kita bakalan pergi Gue juga udh gak Mood kok disini ishh" (jawab Dina)
"Ayo teman teman kita pergi" (ucap Nhy-Nhy)
"Awas Lo Anak kampung!" (Ucap Ery sambil nunjuk shyta)
"Dasar Anak centil" (jawab Nayyah)

"Shyt,kamu gak apa apa kan?" (sambil megang pundak shyta)
"Gapapa kok Nay, lagian anak seperti mereka gausah di ladenin,gk penting" (jawab shyta)
"hmm iyaa" (ucap nayyah)
   Setelah Shyta dan Nayyah tiba dikelas mereka langsung duduk dibangku dan mempelajari pelajaran yang udh pernah diajarin karena sebentar lagi mereka akan ulangan harian.
"Nay,sepertinya kamu kesulitan yah?"(ucap shyta)
"iya nih shyt,aku gak tau cara penyelesaiian yang ini nih" (sambil nunjuk ke soal nomor 2)
"oh yang itu begini nih caranya" (sambil menjelaskan cara penyelesaiiannya)
"begitu yah, makasih yah" (Ucap Nayyah mengerti)
"iya sama sama" (jawab shyta)
  Tiba tiba Bel bertanda masuk berbunyi,dan buguru pun langsung masuk kelas.
"Selamat pagi murid murid!" (ucap salam buguru)
"Pagi Bu.." (jawab murid dengan serentak)
"Tolong siapkan kertas selembar dan kerjakan soal yang ibu tulis di papan"
"Baik bu.." (jawab murid dng serentak)
  Setelah mereka mengerjakan soal yang diberikan tiba tiba sjh Ery meminta jawaban ke Shyta..
"Woii..anak kampung" (sambil menendang-nendang kursi shyta dan juga menggunakan suara yg pelan)
"Apaan sih" (jawab shyta)
"jawaban nomor satu dong!" (Minta Ery)
"Tapi,kan aku belum selesai"
"alah.. gausah bnyk alasan dech cepetan.. " (ucap ery sambil nendangnendang kursi shyta)
   Tiba Tiba Ery kedapatan sama Ibu guru karna ery mencoba ingin menyontek punya shyta.
"Ery.. kenapa kamu menyontek pekerjaan shyta" (tanya Ibu)
"hm.EnnggEnggak kok bu.." (jawab ery dng rasa gugup)
"Gausah banyak alasan cepat berdiri di koridor kelas dan jangan berhenti sebelum mata pelajaran ibu selesai" (Ucap ibu memberi hukuman kepada Ery)
"awas lo anak kampung!" (sambil nunjuk shyta)
    seiring waktu berjalan akhirnya mereka menyelesaikan ulangan harian kecuali Ery,karena mndpt hukuman,dan tak terasa juga bel isirahat pun berbunyi Ery akhirnya menyelesaikan hukumannya.Dan setelah itu Ery meminta Dina dan nhy-nhy untuk mencelakakan Shyta.
"Guys.bantuin Gue dong ngecelakain tuh anak kampung,masa gara gara dia gue dpt hukuman."
(ucap ery dengan nada emosi)
"Iya guee..akan bantu tapi gimana caranya?"
" Aha.. Gue punya ide gimana kalo pulang sekolah nanti kita sengaja ajh nabrak diaa.. abis gue juga udh bosan ngeliat mukanya dia.. biar sekalian mati ajh dia Haha." (Ucap Ery sambil ketawa jahat)
"teman teman kita gaboleh gitu dong walau bagaimana pun shyta kan tetap teman kita,masa kita celakakan teman sendiri" (Ucap Nhy-nhy)
"Nhy-nhy bisaa nggak sih lo nggak ngebelabelain anak kampung itu,ihh gaada untungnya kali belabelain anak kampung seperti dia" (jawab dina)
 Setelah gang centil merencanakan sesuatu.ditengan jalan terdapat Shyta dan Nayyah.
"Nay,saat ini keiginan kamu apa?" (tanya shyta)
"Umm..jujur ajh yh shyt, aku pengen banget ngajakin kamu ke suatu tempat,tapi kamu nggak tau dimana tempat itu cuma aku yg tau,dan ini spesial loh! cuma buat kamu shyt" (jawab Nayyah)
"Ciee.. asik tuh kasi tau dong dimanaa.."
"kasi tau nggak yah? umm.. ntar sore ajh kali yah" (jawab nayyah)
"um iyadeh Bytheway jam berapa"(tanya shyta)
"gaktau,pokoknya kamu siap siap ajh yah ntar aku jemput oke?"(jawab nayyah)
"oke deh" (balas shyta)?
  Setelah mereka berbincang bincang, terlihat dari kejauhan Mobil yang melaju kencang dan seperti kehilangan kendali.
"Shytaaaaaaaaaaa..... awass shytaaa.... "(ucap nayyah sambil mendorong shyta ke pinggir jalan)
Dan.. Pustt.. (Nayyah tertabrak) shyta pun langsung berlari menghampiri Nayyah yg bercucuran darah.
"Naaaayyyy..bangunn Nayyyy.. pleasee nay bangun,kamu nggak boleh ninggalin aku nayy..."
(teriak shyta sambil membangunkan nayyah)
Saking marah nya shyta dia langsung memanggil pengemudi mobil yang menabrak nayyah..
"Woii..kamu yang dalam mobil.. keluar !!kamu harus tanggung Jawab!" (ucap shyta dengan nada emosi)
Dan ternyata pengemudi itu adalah Ery..
"ya Ampun sorry yah aku nggak sengaja" (ucap ery)
"Alaaahh!! gausah pake alasan Ngaku ajh deh kalo nggak aku laporin ke polisi!"(Ancaman shyta)
"yadehh gue.. yg salah sebenarnya yg gue mau tabrak itu Lo anak kampung bukan nayyah!" (ucap ery dengan mata sinis)
"Dasar kamu yah mentang mentang aku anak kampung seenaknya ngerendahin orang..!!! (dengan nada Marah) sudah pokok nya lo tanggung jawab atas semua ini"
"tenang gue yang bayar semua biaya rumah sakit"
  Setelah nayyah di periksa di rumah sakit kata dokter Nyawa Nayyah udh nggak bisa tertolong lagi..
(dokter keluar dari ruang pemerikasaan)
"dok,gimana sahabat saya dok..nayyah dok masih bisa diselamatkan kan dok,masih bisa kan dok nayyah masih hidup kan dokk... " (ucap shytaa..dng tergesagesa)
"kami minta maaf karena Nyawa dari saudara Nayyah sudah tdk bisa tertolong lagi,mungkin ini sudah takdir Tuhan" (jawab dokter dengan nada lembut)
"apaa? nayyah? apaa..?? nayyah udh pergii..gamungkiin gamungkin gamungkin gamungkinnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.!!!!!!! (teriak shyta) nayyah gamungkin pergiii... gamungkin nayyah gak akan ninggalin aku nggak mungkinn.. :'( (ucap shyta sambil mencucurkan air mata seperti gak mempercayai kenyataan pahit,karena nayyah sudah pergi)
  Keesokan harinya , shyta menjadi anak pendiam,gak mau makan,dan kerjanya hanya menangis..karna mengingat moment moment saat bersama sahabat tercintanya  itu.
"Nay.. kan kamu udh bilang mau ngajakin aku ke suatu tempat nay,katanya aku nggak tau tempat itu dimana dan ini spesial untuk aku naayy...kamu juga bilang kamu mau jemput aku kemarin sore naayy.. tapi kenapa kamuu pergi ninggalin aku naay.. aku kesepian.. aku udh gapunya teman lagi naayy.. *Sambil mencucurkan air mata :''( naayy aku sangat merindukan saat saat kita bersamaa..nay saat suka maupun duka.nay kamu adalah Sahabat aku yang palingg aku sayang sahabat aku yang paling baik aku merindukanmu naayy . :'(  semoga kamu mendengarkan nya Nay" (Ucap shyta dengan mencucurkan airmata )

Sabtu, 28 September 2013

Judul Film : 5 cm
kreenn <3

ini pas Bang safran sama bang iaan

mreka :)


para pemaiinn

disini adegannya lagi Nungguin bang iaann

bang safran smaa kak arianii

disini adegannya sedih pas kak dinda terkena batu besar :3

Pemeran : Fedi Nuril, Herjunot Ali, Raline Shah, Igor Saykoji, Denny Sumargo, Pevita Pearce
Sutradara : Rizal Mantovani
Genre : Drama
Produser : Sunil Soraya
Produksi : Ram Soraya
Peresensi : Muhammad N. Hassan
Film “5 cm” adalah sebuah film terbaru karya Rizal Mantovani yang diadopsi dari sebuah novel best seller di tahun 2005 berjudul sama dengan karya Donny Dhirgantoto. Film “5 cm” ini diproduksi oleh Soraya Intercine dengan Sunil Soraya sebagai produser.
Film yang dibuat persis dengan novelnya ini mengangkat tema tentang persahabatan, petualangan, filosofi kehidupan dan nasionalisme. Mengisahkan jalinan persahabatan diantara 5 orang remaja; Genta (Fedi Nuril), Arial (Denny Sumargo), Zafran (Herjunot Ali), Riani (Raline Shah) dan Ian (Igor Saykoji) yang terikat dalam jalinan erat persahabatan.
Semua berawal dari mimpi. Apa yang Anda lakukan ketika punya mimpi? Keenam anak ini memilih menggantung mimpi 5 cm di depan mereka. Tidak terlalu dekat, agar bisa terus dilihat, dan bisa dibawa kemanapun pergi.
Kalau sudah begitu, mereka percaya inilah yang diperlukan: kaki untuk berjalan lebih jauh, tangan untuk berbuat lebih banyak, mata yang menatap lebih lama, leher yang lebih sering melihat ke atas, lapisan tekad yang seribu kali lebih keras dari baja, hati yang bekerja lebih keras, serta mulut yang selalu berdoa.
Genta yang memiliki sifat kepemimpinan naluriah, Zafran sang seniman yang hobi membuat puisi, sedangkan Arial tampan dan atletis namun tak berani mendekati serta didekati perempuan. Berbeda lagi dengan Ian yang bertubuh tambun, memuja Happy Salma, pemburu video porno, dan “kecanduan” makan mie instan. Sementara itu, Riani merupakan bidadari yang sangat mengerti sahabat-sahabatnya, si cantik ini kerap menjadi penengah, dan tak pernah alpa meminta kuah saat Ian menikmati mie instan.
Suatu ketika mereka berlima merasa “jenuh” dengan persahabatan sudah lama mereka bangun selama ini. Hingga pada suatu saat Genta ingin membuat gebrakan. Menyadari zona yang terlalu nyaman, ia meminta para sahabatnya tak berkomunikasi selama tiga bulan. Tujuannya cuma satu, yakni menghidupkan kembali ikatan persahabatnya dan mengejar mimpi-mimpi yang belum mereka gapai. Dan perpisahan itu menimbulkan rasa kerinduan tak tertahankan di antara mereka.
Tiga bulan berlalu saling menahan rindu, Genta pun menyiapkan kejutan yang ia janjikan akan menjadi pengalaman tak terlupakan seumur hidup bagi ia dan empat sahabatnya. Genta mengirimkan pesan untuk berkumpul di Stasiun Pasar Senen, pada 14 Agustus untuk merayakan pertemuan kembali dengan petualangan yang seru, sebuah perjalanan penuh impian dan tantangan, yaitu mendaki puncak tertinggi di Indonesia, Gunung Semeru. Pada perjalanan kali ini akan terungkap seluruh kisah cinta dan konflik di antara mereka berlima. Keharuan suasana persahabatan dan cinta mewarnai alur cerita di dalam film “5 Cm” ini.
Kelima sahabat itu, ditambah Dinda yang merengek ikut, akan melakukan perjalanan yang tak terlupakan sepanjang hidup. Setelah semalam berkereta ekonomi Matarmaja ke Malang, mereka masih harus melanjutkan dengan jeep terbuka ke Ranu Pane, pos pendakian pertama Gunung Semeru.
Keenam anak itu akan mendaki Mahameru, tanah di atas samudera awan, puncak tertinggi di Pulau Jawa. Targetnya, melaksanakan upacara 17 Agustus di sana. Awalnya memang ada keraguan, terutama Ian yang secara fisik sangat tak sesuai dengan para pendaki gunung.
Namun melihat keindahan Semeru yang terbentang di depan mata, mereka pun bertekad: menggantungkan mimpi menaklukkan gunung berapi aktif itu, 5 cm di hadapan mereka, dan terus bergerak meraihnya.
Maka dimulailah petualangan yang tidak mudah. Meski berjalan berjam-jam, kaki lecet, dan kehausan, mereka menikmatinya. Ranu Pane, Tanjakan Cinta, Kalimati, Ranu Kumbolo, sampai Arcopodo, perlahan mereka lewati. Apalagi, pendakian Mahameru bukan hanya perjalanan fisik, melainkan perjalanan hati. Begitu banyak hal yang mereka dapat dari perjalanan itu, terutama soal persahabatan dan mimpi.
Perjalanan selama tiga hari ke puncak tertinggi di Pulau Jawa itu pun membuka cerita yang tersimpan di diri lima anak muda ini. Tentang impian-impian yang mereka miliki, cita-cita yang mereka ingin capai, termasuk juga cinta. Sebuah perjalanan penuh perjuangan yang membuat mereka semakin mencintai Indonesia.
Pendakian itu merupakan simbol untuk melambangkan perjuangan menggapai mimpi. Semangat pantang menyerah membalut letih mereka. Maka, tepat pada tanggal 17 Agustus di puncak tertinggi Jawa, 5 sahabat; 2 cinta; sebuah mimpi mampu mengubah segalanya. Mereka akhirnya dapat menginjakkan kaki di atas bumi namun dekat dengan langit dan Sang Pencipta. Petualangan yang sangat membekas dan dapat menjadi pijakan bagi keenam sahabat untuk terus berjuang. Yaitu perjuangan atas impian, perjalanan hati yang merubah hidup mereka untuk selamanya.

Rizal Mantovani selaku sutradara secara ringkas memvisualkan cerita lima sahabat ini dari novel best seller karya Donny Dhirgantoro tersebut. Meski beberapa bagian cerita novelnya ada yang sengaja dipotong, namun tanpa menghilangkan pesan semangat dari novel setebal 381 halaman tersebut, kisah “5 Cm” mengalir efektif dalam film berdurasi 90 menit, dan ending yang mengejutkan, menjadi penutup yang manis di film ini.(hsn)

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Lirik Lagu Terimakasih Ayah Opick Feat Adibah

Waktu begitu cepat berlalu
seiring langkah dalam cerita
Terbayang wajahmu dalam hatiku
Kau adalah kisah yang terindah

Tajamnya matamu tenangkan hati
duka hidupmu kau bawah sembunyi
hangatnya sentuhmu yang penuh cinta
kau adalah bintang dalam hatiku

Dalam lelahmu masih kau
Dalam duka kau belai aku
dalam sempitmu ajarkanku tegar
Allah slalu bersamamu
Oh Allah slalu bersamamu

Ayah.. Ayah terima kasih kau beri aku cinta
Ayah.. Ayah terima kasih ajarkan aku hidup

waktu begitu cepat berlalu
Seiring langkah dalam cerita
Terbayang wajahmu dalam hatiku
Kau adalah kisah yang terindah

Dalam lelahmu masih kau
Dalam duka kau belai aku
Dalam sempitmu ajarkanku tegar
Alloh slalu bersamamu
Oh Allah slalu bersamamu
Oh Allah slalu bersamamu

Ayah.. Ayah terima kasih kau beri aku cinta
Ayah.. Ayah terima kasih ajarkan aku hidup

Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

I'm ComeBack Guyz!

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
  Haiii Gaaayyzzz Haaaiii Naynayy ComeBack.. *pelukSatusatu Naynay comeback setelah Dua Minggu Gak Ngepost.. kangen yah.. ?? kangenn kann??? Jujurdeh. -_-' *AbaikanGayz" ngerti ajh yh guyz Gue kan santriwati gak bebas alat elektronik dilarang -_-' jadi Gitu deh..*Udahudah* Hmm Gue mau cerita nih gayz sekaliaan Corhaat gitu dech!! to the point ajh yah gayz! jadi gini, gue mau cerita tentang keseharian Gue di ponpes Akhirakhir ini sih gue mulai betah sih iya sedikit :3 Gue juga udh mau Mulaii FOKUS gitu sama Pelajaran Gue mau bangkit wohoy~ hahah.. jadigini ternyata kalau Kita melakukan sesuatu itu dengan ikhlas pasti kita akan mendapat hasil dari keikhlasan itu Dengaan Baik gayz *CatetyahHeheh-_-* tapi ternyata di kelas VIII itu TUGAS yang NUMPUK minta ampun bngt  gayz,"TIADA HARI TANPA TUGAS"
iyaa itu yang Gue maksud -__- setiap Hari PR mulu PR mulu gaada abis-abisnya Istirahat ajh gaadaa...
tapi itu kan udh Resiko sebagai pelajar -_- Diterima ajh Yaahh gayz -_- okkeh well!!!
Ahoomm.. satnite kali ini itu lebih asyik gitu deehh.. apalagi Dirumaahh =D kalo Diponpes mah. kalo jam segini 21:00 itu masih berkeliaran larilari gitu kaya' anak ayam -__- tapi seruu jugaa sihh heheh <3 yang Gak serunya itu kalo bangun SUBUH harus NGANTRI mandi YaAllah -____- Ininih hal yang paling GUE BENCI kalo subuh Harus ngantrii ngantri dan ngantriii -__-'' Huh. -,- *UdahudaahAbaikaan*
gaayyzz guee sedihh bngt :'( Gue nggak bisa ikut Nonton "THIS IS US" bareng Directioners :" Hoaamp. :'(  tempatnya jauh jugasih sedangkan Gue di sulsel -__- ahuuh ENVY..envyy.. :'(
Eh Gayzz udahann yah sampai sini ajh dulu curhatan Naynay.. keep Staytune ajh yahh gayzz \=D/ Oh iyaa Follow naynay on TWITTER yah @Ainfhz tinggal mention ajh Naynay Langsung Followback okkehsiip (y) SiipOke?? *samaAjh-_-' Hehe... Byee Gayzz.. ThAnk You So Much.. :*
Wassalam :)

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013


Assalamualaikum wr.wb
 "HI.. GAYZZ.. (Ala Marcel)" Gue mau curhat yah! gpp yah!! gakboleh ?? =_= *LemparKulkas. (hehe Just For fun gayzz) humpt to the Point ajh yah gayz besok Gue  udh BACKING lagi kedalam Kurungan O:) *Jadi mungkin Gue Gak ON dalam 2 minggu kedepan :'( (jangan kangen yah!) *ehehe JustForKidding Oh iyaa Barang yg semua gue mau bawa udh terkemas rapi,tinggal nungguin ajh kapan kesono.y eh jangan salah loh kurungannya keren kok..Wqwq Okkeh..siapsiap ajh Gue ketemu MASALAH,TUGAS,KRISIS pokok.y bnyk dech Gayzz!! yang BestBest tapi ada Worst nya jugaa.. -_- Suram deh wqwq, GakTau ajh kenapa Gayz kok seperti.y gue Hate.hatee gitu dah sama tuh tempat O:( kayak gue belum bisa terimah keadaan Gue ajh.. kalo HappyMood gue pindahjadi BadMood itu kalo gue mau masuk Ketempat ituitu..tapi InsyaAllah dah atas Izin Allah Gue akan mendapat HIKMAH nya dech (Aamiin)
Ituu ajh Gayz sekiann yh curhatnya.. Oh iyaa Gue minta maaf yah kalo Gue punya salah sama Kaliaan :*
GOOD BYE.. *See you gayz :*

Jumat, 26 Juli 2013

One Direction - Best Song Ever

Assalamualaikum wb.wb
  Guys..udah pada liat blum MV BEST SONG EVER dari ONE DIRECTION?
Nih..Naynay mau share Videonya :D haha..Character mereka Kocak bngt! yah (y)
 Marcel Said:"LEEROY..Hmm.." haha :D *lol*

Best song ever (Lyric)

Maybe it's the way she walked
Straight into my heart and stole it
Through the door and past the guards
Just like she already owned it
I said "can you give it back to me?"
She said "never in your wildest dreams"

And we danced all night to
The best song ever
We knew every line
Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know
That I won't forget her
'Cos we danced all night to
The best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah
I think it goes...

Said her name was "georgia rules"
And that daddy was a dentist
Said I had a dirty mouth
But she kissed me like she meant it
I said "can I take you home with me"
She said "never in your wildest dreams"

And we danced all night to
The best song ever
We knew every line
Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know
That I won't forget her
'Cos we danced all night to
The best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes...

You know, I know, you know I'll remember you
I know, you know, I know you'll remember me
You know, I know, you know I'll remember you
I know, you know, I hope you'll remember how we danced
How we danced
(One, two, one, two, three)

How we danced all night
To the best song ever
We knew every line
Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know
That I won't forget her
'Cos we danced all night to
The best song ever

How we danced all night
To the best song ever
We knew every line
Now I can't remember
How it goes but I know
That I won't forget her
'Cos we danced all night to
The best song ever

I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes...

Best song ever
It was the best song ever (fades)

Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Enjoy it^^

    Assalamualaikuw wr.wb
 Haii!! ^^ Hm..Guys saya mau cerita nih.. ttng Pengalaman Saya. Haha tau nggak guys sekarang naynay Udah bisa loh ngendarai Motor *GakAdayangNanya-__-* hehe meskipun udah pernah Kecelakaan kecil..tapi Gak apa-apa dech baru belajar maklumi ajh! Guys..saya Gak nyangka bngt loh!!! Awalnya sih Iseng ajh gitu, tapi akhir-akhirnya begini jugakan..!! haha :D Ditemani Wulan,hehe awalnya dia gak tau juga sih,kan kebetulan saya jugaa latihan-latihan,Nah aku tanya ayo Lan, latihan pake motorku, jawabnya "hmm takut" tapi akhirakhirnya Mau juga kan..hehe Apasalahnya sih Mencoba? dan hasil percobaannya itu berhasil :D hehe Gak sia-sia kan latihannya! Awalnya mikir begini "Ngendarain Motor itu SUSAH"
tapi kaya'nya kata SUSAH nya itu udah Hilang :D Alhamdulillah :) Berkat Allah Swt. Thankyou Allah..
ohhIyaa Ramadhan kali ini bagaimana Guys? Seru nggak? hehe jalanin ajh yah dengan sabar, Harus bisa menahan Lapar Haus,Nafsu, Amarah,danLainnyaa.. :D
Selamat Puasa Guys! Naynay minta maaf yah! kalau Naynay punya Banyak salah sama kalian..
semoga Ramadhan Kali ini, penuh banyak berkah dan kebaikan yah guys!
OkkehSiip!! (҂'̀o'́)9 Semangat Puasanyaa!!!
 OkkehWell sampai sini dulu yah! KeepStaytune diblog naynay.. :)

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Kata-kata Bijak

"Memafkan merupakan sumber kebaikan. Segala sesuatu yang bersumber dari kebaikan maka akan berujung pada kebahagiaan"
"Perubahan terkadang menakutkan, tapi selama itu membuatmu menjadi pribadi yang dewasa, kamu pun harus siap untuk menerimanya"
"Hargai mereka yang membencimu, karena mereka merupakan seorang penggemar yang telah menghabiskan waktunya untuk melihat setiap kesalahanmu"
"Kesalahan terbesar yang kamu lakukan adalah ketika kamu menggantungkan hidup dan nasibmu kepada orang lain"
"Jangan Menilai seseorang dari kesalahanya yang pernah ia buat. Setiap orang pernah melakukan kesalahan, yang terpenting adalh kita belajar darinya"
""Meski jalan yang kita lalui sulit, itu bukanlah alasan untuk menyerah. Kemudahan akan datang setelah kesulitan, percayalah!"
"Apa yang terjadi, itu merupakan keputusanmu di masa lalu. Buat keputusan yang baik di hari ini agar memiliki masa depan yang baik"
"Tak peduli dengan apapun yang terjadi hari ini. Miliki senyum yang membuatmu terlihat bahagia, dan doa yang membuatmu lebih kuat!"
"Orang yang emosional biasanya kurang rasional, sehingga tindakannya tidak akan proporsional"
"Jangan sedih bila saat ini masih dipandang sebelah mata. tapi kita harus buktikan bahwa kita mampu mendapatkan kedua matanya"
"Orang yang bisa mengendalikan emosinya, itu adalah ciri pemenang sejati dalam hidupnya"
"Bukan kemiskinan yang merendahkan, tapi hari yang menistai kebaikan dirinya sendiri"
"Lebih mudah untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan benar, dibandingkan menjelaskan mengapa anda tidak melakukannya dengan benar"
"Wanita bijak seperti angsa di atas air. Anggun meski tetap bekerja dan tetap tegar meskipun terluka"
"Yang terpenting bukan apa yang kita ketahui, tapi apa yang bisa kita pelajari"
"Menangis mungkin memang bukan solusi tapi terkadang menjadi obat penenang"

"Bukan kekurangan yang melemahkan dirimu, tapi pendapatmu sendiri yang bisa mengecilkan semangatmu"

"Hanya orang kecil yang berusaha untuk mengecilkan orang lain agar ia merasa lebih besar"

"Bekerja merupakan keberhasilan yang pertama, kesehatan dan kekayaan akan datng kemudian"

"Keluhan kita merupakan tanda bahwa kita tidak cukup cepat untuk meninggalkan keadaan yang tidak kita sukai"

"Saat kita telah sampai dipuncak keberhasilan, janganlah kita melupakan orang-orang yang telah mendukung kita"

"Keberhasilan yang paling manis adalah ketika mencapai sesuatu yang menurut orang lain tidak mungkin"

"Harapan pada masa depan akan memberikan kita kekuatan di masa kini"

"Pembenci yang sukses adalah pembenci yang membuatmu merasa membencinya"

"Keberhasilan seseorang bukan hanbya diukur dari besar otak dan ototnya, tapi diukur oleh kebesaran hatinya"

"Jalan menuju keberhasilan selalu mendaki ke atas, jadi wajar proses menuju keberhasilan itu tidak mudah,"

"Jika kamu telah mencoba untuk mengubah sesuatu namun tidak berhasil, sebaiknya coba ubah pandanganmu"

"Hal tersulit dalam hidup ini bukanlah melampaui orang lain, tapi melampaui ego dan diri kita sendiri"

"Lebih baik kamu mengubah hidupmu, sebelum hidup mengubahmu"

"Bermimpi merupakan langkah awal menuju keberhasilan, tapi mimpi itu tetap semua jika tidak ada tindakan nyata"

"Seseorang takkan pernah memahami arti dari keberhasilan yang sempurna tanpa memahami arti dari kegagalan sebelumnya"

"Setiap masalah yang datang bukan untuk menjatuhkan tapi untuk menguji seberapa mampu kamu bisa bertahan"

"Banyak orang yang tidak bisa menghargai orang lain hanya karena mereka tidak bisa menghargai dirinya sendiri"

"Sekali tidak berhasil bukan berarti gagal untuk selamanya!"

Magic (lyric)_One direction

Bbbbaby c'mon over
I don't care if people find out
They say that we're no good together
And this never gonna work out.

But baby you got me moving too fast
Cause I know you wanna be back
And girl when you're lookin' like that
I can't hold back.

Cause you, you've got this spell on me
I don't know what to believe
Kiss you once know I can't leave
Cause everything you do is magic
But everything you do is magic.

So l-l-let them take pictures
Spread it all around the world now
I wanna put it on my record
I want everyone to know now.

But baby you got me moving too fast
Cause I know you wanna be back
And girl when you're lookin' like that
I can't hold back.

Cause you, you've got this spell on me
I don't know what to believe
Kiss you once know I can't leave
Cause everything you do is magic
But everything you do is magic.

Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Everything you do is magic.

They say that we're no good together
And this never gonna work out
I wanna put it on my record
I want everyone to know now.

Everything you do is magic
Everything you do is magic
Everything you do is magic
Everything you do is magic.

Cause you, you've got this spell on me
I don't know what to believe
Kiss you once know I can't leave
Cause everything you do is magic
But everything you do is magic.

Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Kiss you once know I can't leave
Cause everything you do is magic
But everything you do is magic.

More than this (lyric)_One direction

I'm broken, do you hear me?
I'm blinded, 'cause you are everything I see,
I'm dancin' alone, I'm praying,
That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door,
My head turns to face the floor,
'Cause I can't look you in the eyes and say,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than this

If I'm louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down
In my arms and rescue me?
'Cause we are the same
You save me,
When you leave it's gone again,

And when I see you on the street,
In his arms, I get weak,
My body fails, I'm on my knees,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

I've never had the words to say,
But now I'm askin' you to stay
For a little while inside my arms,
And as you close your eyes tonight,
I pray that you will see the light,
That's shining from the stars above,

(And I say)

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this,

'Cause I can love you more than this

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this,

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don't feel right,
'Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than this

Moments (Lyric)_One direction

Shut the door
Turn the light off
I wanna be with you
I wanna feel your love
I wanna lay beside you
I cannot hide this
Even though I try

Heart beats harder
Time escapes me
Trembling hands
Touch skin
It makes this hard girl
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Close the door
Throw the key
Don't wanna be reminded
Don't wanna be seen
Don't wanna be without you
My judgment's clouded
Like tonight's sky

Hums are silent
Voice is numb
Try to scream out my lungs
It makes this harder
And the tears stream down my face

If we could only have this life
For one more day
If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Flashing lights in my mind
Going back to the time
Playing games in the street
Kicking balls with my feet

There's a numb in my toes
Standing close to the edge

There's a pile of my clothes
At the end of your bed

As I feel myself fall
Make a joke of it all

You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

You know I'll be
Your life
Your voice
Your reason to be
My love
My heart
Is breathing for this
In time
I'll find the words to say
Before you leave me today

Live while we're Young (Lyric)_One direction

Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the windows down

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool and we know it too
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young

Hey girl it's now or never, it's now or never
Don't overthink just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don't let the pictures leave your phone

Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're cool, so tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh and live while we're young
Whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young

And girl, you and I
We're about to make some memories tonight
I wanna live while we're young
We wanna live while we're young

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young

Crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get some and live while we're young

Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
C'mon, young
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
Wanna live, wanna live (wanna live while we're young)
Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young

Litle things (lyric)_One direction

Your hand fits in mine
Like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind
It was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved
The crinkles by your eyes
When you smile
You've never loved
Your stomach or your thighs,
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do
It's you
Oh, it's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea
And maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep
And all those conversations are the secrets that I keep
Though it makes no sense to me

I know you've never loved
The sound of your voice on tape
You never want
To know how much you weigh
You still have to squeeze into your jeans
But you're perfect to me

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you,
It's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all these little things

You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you
And you'll never treat yourself right, darling, but I want you to.
If I let you know I'm here for you
Maybe you'll love yourself like I love you, oh.

And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth
'Cause it's you,
Oh, it's you,
It's you they add up to
And I'm in love with you
And all these little things

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if it's true
It's you,
It's you they add up to
I'm in love with you
And all your little things

Last First Kiss (Lyric)_One direction

Baby I,
I wanna know,
What you think,
When you're alone,
Is it me? Yeah,
Are you thinking of me? Yeah,
We've been friends,
Now for a while,
Wanna know, that when you smile,
Is it me? Yeah,
Are you thinking of me? Yeah,
Oh, Oh

Girl, what would you do,
Would you wanna stay?
If I were to say...

I wanna be last, yeah,
Baby let me be your,
Let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,
And if you,
Only knew,
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss

Baby tell,
Me what to change,
I'm afraid,
You'll run away,
If I tell you,
What I've wanted to tell you,

Maybe I,
Just gotta wait,
Maybe this,
Is a mistake,
I'm a fool yeah,
Baby I'm just a fool yeah,
Oh, oh

Girl, what would you do,
Would you wanna stay?
If I were to say...

I wanna be last, yeah,
Baby let me be your,
Let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,
And if you,
Only knew,
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss

(Your last first kiss)

Your last first kiss,

(Your last first kiss)

Girl what would you do?
Would you wanna stay?
If I were to say,

Your last first kiss!

I wanna be last, yeah,
Baby let me be your,
Let me be your last first kiss,
I wanna be first, yeah
Wanna be the first to take it all the way like this,
And if you,
Only knew,
I wanna be last yeah,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss

I wanna be last,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss


I wanna be last,
Baby let me be your last,
Your last first kiss

Kiss you (Lyric)_One direction

Oh, I just wanna take you any way that you like
We could go out any day, any night
Baby I'll take you there, take you there
Baby I'll take you there, yeah

Oh, tell me tell me tell me how to turn your love on
You can get, get anything that you want
Baby just shout it out, shout it out
Baby just shout it out, yeah

And if you, you want me to
Let's make a move

Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we

You get this kind of, ru-u-ush
Baby say yeah, yeah
If you don't wanna, take it slow
And you just wanna, take me home
Baby say yeah, yeah

And let me kiss you

Oh baby, baby don't you know you got what I need
Looking so good from your head to your feet
Come on come over here, over here
Come on come over here, yeah

Oh, I just wanna show you off to all of my friends
Making them drool down their chinny-chin-chins
Baby be mine tonight, mine tonight
Baby be mine tonight, yeah

And if you, you want me to
Let's make a move

Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we

You get this kind of, ru-u-ush
Baby say yeah, yeah
If you don't wanna, take it slow
And you just wanna, take me home
Baby say yeah, yeah

And let me kiss you

Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na

Yeah, so tell me girl if every time we

You get this kind of, ru-u-ush
Baby say yeah, yeah
If you don't wanna, take it slow
And you just wanna, take me home
Baby say yeah, yeah

Every time we to-o-uch
You get this kind of, ru-u-ush
Baby say yeah, yeah
If you don't wanna, take it slow
And you just wanna, take me home
Baby say yeah, yeah

And let me kiss you

Irresistible (Lyric)_One direction

Don't try to make me stay
Or ask if I'm okay
I don't have the answers
Don't make me stay the night
Or ask if I'm alright
I don't have the answer.

Heartache doesn't last forever
I'll say I'm fine
Midnight ain't no time for laughing
When you say goodbye.

It makes your lips so kissable
And your kiss unmissable
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes irresistible.

I've tried to ask myself
Should I see someone else?
I wish I knew the answer.

But I know, if I go now, if I leave
Then I'm on my own tonight
I'll never know the answer.

Midnight doesn't last forever
Dark turns to light
Heartache flips my world around
I'm falling down, down, down,
That's why.

I find your lips so kissable
And your kiss unmissable
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes irresistible

It's in your lips and in your kiss
It's in your touch and your fingertips
And it's in all the things and other things
That make you who you are and your eyes irresistible.

It makes your lips so kissable
And your kiss invincible
Your fingertips so touchable
And your eyes, your eyes, your eyes,
Your eyes, your eyes, your eyes

I would (Lyric)_One direction

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes
And I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?

(Na na na na na)

When you walk by
I try to say it
But then I freeze
And never do it
My tongue gets tied
The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder
Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back

Cause I got three little words
That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

[Harry & Zayn]
With my hands on your waist
While we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me
That you'll call later on
Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

I wish (Lyric)_One direction

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes
And I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?

(Na na na na na)

When you walk by
I try to say it
But then I freeze
And never do it
My tongue gets tied
The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder
Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back

Cause I got three little words
That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

[Harry & Zayn]
With my hands on your waist
While we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me
That you'll call later on
Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

I want (lyric)_One direction

Give you this, give you that
Blow a kiss, take it back
If I looked inside your brain
I would find lots of things
Clothes, shoes, diamond rings
Stuff that's driving me insane

You could be preoccupied
Different date, every night
You just got to say the word
But you're not into them at all
You just want materials
I should know because I've heard
When girls say..

I want, I want, I want,
But that's crazy
I want, I want, I want,
And that's not me
I want, I want, I want,
To be loved by you

You've got everything you need
But you want accessories
Got to hold it in your hand
If I changed the world for you
I bet you wouldn't have a clue
Don't you know that I can't stand
When girls say...

I want, I want, I want,
But that's crazy
I want, I want, I want,
And that's not me
I want, I want, I want,
To be loved by you

Oh, and all the girls say

I want, I want, I want,
But that's crazy
I want, I want, I want,
And that's not me
I want, I want, I want,
To be loved by you

Be loved by you
I wanna, I'll stay true
I wonder if you knew
What you put me through
But you want, you want, you want me to love you too

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, but that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Oh, and all the girls say

I want, I want, I want,
But that's crazy
I want, I want, I want,
And that's not me
I want, I want, I want,
To be loved by you

I want, I want, I want,
And all the girls say
I want, I want, I want,
And that's crazy
I want, I want, I want,
To be loved by you

I should kissed you (lyric)_One direction

I keep playin' it inside my head
All that you said to me
I lie awake just to convince myself
This wasn't just a dream

'Cause you were right here
And I should've taken the chance
But I got so scared
And I lost the moment again

[Harry and Louis]
It's all that I can think about, oh
You're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

Every morning when I leave my house
I always look for you, yeah.
I see you everytime I close my eyes
What am I gonna do?

And all my friends say
That I'm punching over my weight
But in your eyes I
Saw how you were looking at me

It's all that I can think about, oh
You're all that I can think about

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

When you stood there
Just a heartbeat away
When we were dancing,
And you looked up at me
If I had known then
That I'd be feeling this way
If I could replay
I would have never let you go
No, oh
Never have let you go
Am I out of time?

Is your heart taken?
Is there somebody else on your mind?
I'm so sorry, I'm so confused
Just tell me, am I out of time?

Is your heart breaking?
How do you feel about me now?
I can't believe I let you walk away
When, when I Should Have Kissed You

I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you
I should, I should oh, I should have kissed you

Heart attack (lyric)_One direction

Baby you,
Got me sick,
I don't know,
What I did,
Need to take a break,
And figure it out
Got your voice in my head,
Sayin' "let's just be friends",
Can't believe the words came out of your mouth,

I'm tryna be okay,
I'm tryna be alright,
But seein' you with him,
Just don't feel right

And I'm like,

Never thought it'd hurt so bad,
Gettin' over you-ooh,
And ow!
You're givin' me a heart attack
Lookin' like you do-ooh,
Cause you're all I ever wanted,
Thought you would be the one
And ow!
Givin' me a heart attack,
Gettin' over you-ooh-ooh-ooh,

Baby now that you're gone,
I can't stand,
Dumb love songs,
Missing you is all I'm thinking about,

Everyone's tellin' me,
I'm just too blind to see,
How you messed me up,
I'm better off now,

I'm tryna be okay,
I'm tryna be alright,
But seein' you with him,
Just don't feel right

And I'm like,

Never thought it'd hurt so bad,
Gettin' over you-ooh,
And ow!
You're givin' me a heart attack
Lookin' like you do-ooh,
Cause you're all I ever wanted,
Thought you would be the one
It's ow!
Givin' me a heart attack,
Gettin' over you-ooh-ooh-ooh,

Oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh,


Oh, oh

Yeah everytime you look like that,

Oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh



You're givin' me a heart attack
But seeing you with him,
Just don't feel right

And I'm like,

Never thought it'd hurt so bad,
Gettin' over you-ooh,
And ow!
You're givin' me a heart attack
Lookin' like you do-ooh,
Cause you're all I ever wanted,
Thought you would be the one
It's ow!
Givin' me a heart attack,
Gettin' over you-ooh-ooh-ooh,

Oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh


You're all I ever wanted,
Yeah everytime you look like that,

Oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh

Come on,

You're all I ever wanted

Oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh, oh

You're giving me a heart attack,

Forever young (lyric)_One direction

The end of the night
We should say goodbye
But we carry on
While everyone's gone

Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,
We take photographs
There's no music on
But we dance along
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

I'll change my mind.

Baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

Everything about you (lyric)_One direction

The end of the night
We should say goodbye
But we carry on
While everyone's gone

Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,
We take photographs
There's no music on
But we dance along
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

I'll change my mind.

Baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

Change My mind (Lyric)_One direction

The end of the night
We should say goodbye
But we carry on
While everyone's gone

Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

Lean in when you laugh,
We take photographs
There's no music on
But we dance along
Never felt like this before
Are we friends or are we more?
As I'm walking towards the door
I'm not sure.

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

I'll change my mind.

Baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind

But baby if you say you want me to stay
I'll change my mind
'Cause I don't wanna know I'm walking away
If you'll be mine
Won't go, won't go
So baby if you say you want me to stay, stay for the night
I'll change my mind.

C'mon c'mon (lyric)_One direction

The one that I came with, she had to go
But you look amazing,
Standing alone

So c'mon, c'mon

Move a little closer now,

C'mon, c'mon,

Either way you're walkin' now

C'mon, c'mon,

Show me what you're all about,

I've been watchin you all night,
There's somethin' in your eyes,
Say c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby
The music is so loud,
I wanna be yours now,
So c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby

The one that I came with,
Didn't know how to move,
The way that you let your hair down,
I can tell that you do

So c'mon, c'mon

Move a little closer now,

C'mon, c'mon,

Either way you're walkin' now

C'mon, c'mon,

Show me what you're all about,

I've been watchin you all night,
There's somethin' in your eyes,
Say c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby
The music is so loud,
I wanna be yours now,
So c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby

Every step I take,
I'm feelin' more and more,
She's callin' out,
She's a lucky girl
My heart is racin',
She's turnin' around,
I reach for her hand,
And I say

I've been watchin you all night,

There's somethin' in your eyes,
Say c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby
The music is so loud,
I wanna be yours now,
So c'mon, c'mon,
And dance with me baby


C'mon, c'mon


C'mon, c'mon


C'mon, c'mon
And dance with me baby.

Back For You (lyric)_One direction

Whenever I close my eyes, I picture you there
I'm looking out at the crowd, you're everywhere
I'm watching you from the stage yeah
You're smile is on every face now
But every time you wake up
You're hearing me say

Baby, you don't have to worry
I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you
Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you.

I've never been so into somebody before
And every time we both touch I only want more
So tell me nothing's going to change yeah
And you won't ever walk away yeah
Cause even though every night you'll know what I'll say

Baby, you don't have to worry
I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you
Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you

Right back for you
Right back for you
Right back for you

Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back
Yeah I am coming back for you

Baby, you don't have to worry
I'll be coming back for you, back for you, back for you, for you
Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you

Right back for you, right back
Right back for you, right back
Right back for you, right back
Right back for you.

Lately, I've been going crazy
So I'm coming back for you, back for you, back for you, you.

Another world (Lyric)_One direction

It's not me, it's not you, there's a reason
I'm just tryna' read the signals I'm receiving
Just like a stone on fire, can you feel it?
I don't know about you girl but I believe it

Words will be just words
Till you bring them to life

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Everyday, in every way

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

One for me, one for you, whatcha doing?
Girl the music sounds so good when you're movin'
Let me take you higher, let me prove it
'Cause, hey, hey, pretty girl, I believe it

Words will be just words
Till you bring them to life

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Everyday, in every way (in every way)

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
Take you to another world
You know I'll take you to another world

Baby let me find out your secret
Just let me in and let me show you that I keep it
Close to my heart jump in the deep end
Just let me in and let me show you what I'm meaning

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world
I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Everyday (everyday), in every way (in every way)

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world

Take you to another world

Oh yeah

You know I'll take you to another world

I'll build you up, I'll never stop
You know I'll take you to another world


Take you to another world

I'll lift you up, I'll never stop

Gotta be you (Lyric)_One direction

Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed
'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart
I tore it apart
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence
And no woman in the world deserves this
But here I am asking you for one more chance

Can we fall, one more time?
Stop the tape and rewind
Oh and if you walk away I know I'll fade
'Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's got to be you
Only you

Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles
When you speak to me I don't resemble who I was
You've almost had enough
And your actions speak louder than words
And you're about to break from all you've heard
But don't be scared, I ain't going nowhere

I'll be here, by your side
No more fears, no more crying
But if you walk away
I know I'll fade
Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's got to be you
Only you

Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time?
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more time
I'll make it better

One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more,

Can we try one more time to make it all better?

Cause it's gotta be you
It's gotta be you
Only you
Only you

It's gotta be you
Only you
It's gotta be you
Only you